Unfortunately there is really no easy way to know (without counting) exactly how many tiles I have painted thus far. My goal is to have 2018 tiles painted and ready for display by April 1, 2018. This date marks the one year anniversary of my friend and mentor artist John J. Campbell’s passing. As of Jan. 22 there are 67 days left to complete this monumental memorial.
If you would like to see some of the Tiles in person before April 1, head to the WXYZ Lounge inside the Aloft Hotel Downtown Denver. As I collate and mount the tiles on wood panel they are shown at the Aloft Hotel’s Limitless Infinity art show which will run through March 2018.
On Wednesday evenings Grace Noel and I come downtown to make art and interact with Hotel guests & any WXYZ Lounge patrons who want to get their artistic juices flowing. The public is welcome to hang out and paint a tile with us or just get a drink play some pool and hang out. Hope we see you one of these Wednesday nights at the Aloft Hotel on 15th & Stout!